Thursday, September 26, 2013

Whiteface Clown

I first started by testing white and black on my arm.

I then started to apply the white color to my face.

I then drew all of my marks on my face that I would paint.

I then started to put the black eyebrows on my face and then the purple around my eyes and mouth.  I ran into a problem because the purple that I originally put on my face was not actually dark enough.  So I put black overtop and then mixed red and purple to get the finished color that I had.  I was really happy with the final color of purple I had because it looked so similar to the paint that was on my pages!

The last part of my Whiteface Clown was adding the black dots around the eyes.  My dots first started out small.  I used a q-tip to put the small dots on my face.

I noticed in the mirror that far away I could not see the small dots so I made them bigger.

Finally, I had my finished product! I am really happy with how my final clown turned out!

Obviously, we had to get some group pictures!!!

Here is a picture when some of my makeup was washed off of my face.  It was really neat to see how cold cream and a baby wipe could wipe it completely off.

Preparing the Clowns I Chose to Paint on My Face

It was a new experience for me to draw something the exact way but bigger.  I found that it was easier than I thought it would be to do this.
I first chose my favorite clown from each of the three different clown types.

I chose this one as my favorite Auguste Clown because I really like how the eyes turned out. 

I chose this one for the Tramp Clown because I wanted to do a sad face on one of my clowns. 

I chose this one for my Whiteface Clowns because I wanted to do one that had more details but also scary.  This is definitely my favorite of the three of the clowns that I chose to do. 

The next step was to paint the bigger drawings of the three clowns I drew the exact way and color that they were painted on the smaller picture of the clown.

When looking at the smaller pictures of the clowns and the larger pictures that I painted, I was proud of myself for matching the colors to the best of my ability.

The last step for this part of the work was to draw the same clown drawings on an outline of my own face so I could be prepared to paint them on my face in the upcoming classes.

On some of these pictures, it is hard to see some of my drawings but I think I did well transferring from a cartoon style face to my face.  I am getting excited to be ready and paint my face as all three of these clowns!

Saturday, September 21, 2013


These are the drawings that I came up with for the clowns.  I definitely kept it simple because I am no artist and this was all new to me!  I had fun while coming up with different designs for the clowns!

These are the final touches on my clown drawings! For being something completely new to me, I am proud of how they turned out.  I definitely would add a little more detail if I were to do them again.  I give people who paint a lot of credit! It is not an easy thing to do!

This is the remaining paint from the colors I mixed when painting my clowns at home!

I am so excited to use this makeup in class, but I am also super nervous I will mess up!

This is a creepy clown that I found in one of the books! I do not find clowns to be scary but this one is definitely creepy!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tramp Clowns

I honestly never heard of this kind of clown before.  The word "tramp" and the word "clown" were never associated together for me, but you learn something new everyday!  These clowns to me are the creepiest!

Auguste Clowns

Growing up I absolutely loved Loonette and Molly!

Are you ready, are you ready, are you ready to clown around?
With Loonette and Molly - A clown and her dolly on the big comfy couch.

There is lots to doodle do. Loonette loves to sing for you.
With a wiggle and a giggle and loony friends
The playtime silliness never ends

Get Ready
All over and under the big comfy couch

Are you ready, are you ready, are you ready to clown around?
With Loonette and Molly - a clown and her dolly on the big comfy couch.

Whiteface Clowns

I personally like Whiteface Clowns the most because I think of Ronald McDonald and what is not to love about McDonalds and their clown!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


This was a little challenging for me because I was drawing lines on my paper without meaning to draw the lines, which eliminated the smooth transition of shading.  I realized that I lacked transitions because the colors were too abrupt and drastic.  After listening to the feedback, I was able to eliminate some of the imaginary lines that I drew on my paper.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

My Tint and Shade Work!

This is what I did in class today! I had a lot of fun making the new colors!  I definitely feel that this was not difficult for me because I did not have a high expectation for it to be amazing because all of this is new to me! Throughout the class I said that I was having so much fun and I was proud of my work.  I am excited for the upcoming classes! The hardest part for me was trying to figure out how much of the black I needed to add to the red!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Color Wheels!

Here are my color wheels and extra paint!  I really like the picture that has both color wheels in it so you can see the difference the color paper makes!  The white paper makes all of the colors brighter!  I definitely had a lot of extra primary paint left over. I think I did well guessing how much of the primary colors needed to be mixed!