I then started to apply the white color to my face.
I then drew all of my marks on my face that I would paint.
I then started to put the black eyebrows on my face and then the purple around my eyes and mouth. I ran into a problem because the purple that I originally put on my face was not actually dark enough. So I put black overtop and then mixed red and purple to get the finished color that I had. I was really happy with the final color of purple I had because it looked so similar to the paint that was on my pages!
The last part of my Whiteface Clown was adding the black dots around the eyes. My dots first started out small. I used a q-tip to put the small dots on my face.
I noticed in the mirror that far away I could not see the small dots so I made them bigger.
Finally, I had my finished product! I am really happy with how my final clown turned out!
Obviously, we had to get some group pictures!!!
Here is a picture when some of my makeup was washed off of my face. It was really neat to see how cold cream and a baby wipe could wipe it completely off.